Easter Garden
Our garden tomb reminds us that Jesus died and rose again for each of us.
Over the last few weeks we have followed the ‘way of the cross’ through to Good Friday – the day when we remember Jesus’ appalling death on the cross. His death and resurrection was a titanic struggle between good and evil (God’s triumph over the destructive power of personal evil). This tomb and garden remind us of the amazing good news that although Jesus died, he became alive again and that Jesus now shares his life with us.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will have eternal life. John 3:16
A ‘Back Story’
As you move around the sides of this structure, we tell another story – about us and our part in God’s creation for good or ill.
We believe that God created our world with its amazing eco-systems and that it was very good.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31
We have spoiled this creation in so many ways: attacked each other out of pride, greed and jealousy; taken more than we should from the earth’s resources because of greed or thoughtlessness; we have not cared enough for others or our world prioritising our own needs and desires.
So behind the tomb, we represent, using unsustainable rubbish, the selfish wrongs and greed, the ways in which we have broken and spoiled God’s good creation: sins for which we need to find forgiveness …
Here as we reflect on our personal sinfulness, we are invited to pick up a piece of gravel and place it into the ‘Sin Bin’ in recognition that WE personally need God’s forgiveness and that Jesus died for us as we are.
On the other side, behind the garden, we represent how we need to rethink and change our actions, our way of life, to work for the good of God’s creation…in harmony with God; to care and live in peace with each other, for the good of all and to repair and restore our wonderful God-given world.
On Easter Day, we will be invited to take a painted stone to remind us of the new life and forgiveness we receive because Jesus is alive
Jesus came to bring LIFE and life in all its abundance.
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
To see the finished result, you will need to visit from Easter day